
Monday, March 21, 2011

Abraham Lincoln High School Career Day

Abraham Lincoln High School
Career Day

It’s Never Too Early To Think About Your Future

On Thursday April 14, 2011 from 8:00AM-1:00PM the Student Success Center will host its 1st Career Day at Abraham Lincoln High School. The purpose of this event is to give students career exposure to several career paths and engage students in understanding the importance of post-secondary career planning. Speakers will rotate through different classrooms to discuss their careers with students. ROTC members will escort speakers to their respective classrooms throughout the day. Speakers will conduct 5 to 7 minute presentations in the classroom and they will be provided an outline that indicates key points to address.

Pre-career Day Procedures:
Using the Career Day Reply Form sent to each contact, perspective participants will confirm their participation for April 14, 2011. Prior to the event, participants will receive an email with an outline that provides key points to address and a copy of the student evaluation form to review.

Career Day Schedule:
8:00-9:00- Speakers will arrive and are provided a continental breakfast
9:00-12:00- Speakers are escorted by Lincoln High School ROTC members to different classrooms to present to the students
12:00-1:00- Speakers are invited to the Student Success Center for a Q&A session with selected students and there will be a luncheon for all participants

For Additional Information please contact Ronit Caplan, Career Specialist:
T: 267-994-9255
F: 215-335-5693

Career Day

Please RSVP by Friday March 25, 2011

The 1st Annual Career Day is located at Abraham Lincoln High School for all high school students. The purpose of the day is to engage Lincoln High School youth to think about their futures!

Participant Reply Form
8:00-9:00 Participant Continental Breakfast
9:00-12:00 Classroom presentations
12:00-1:00 Q&A Session and luncheon

_______________I will attend Career Day on April 14, 2011

_______________I am unable to attend Career Day on April 14, 2011 but please keep me in mind for other Career Exposure events

Name:______________________________________ Phone:________________________________

Title:_______________________________________ Fax:___________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________________________________



Please ask your colleagues to join us!
For information or to confirm your participation please contact Ronit Caplan or Brett Vance:

Ronit Caplan
T: 267-994-9255
F: 215-546-9174

Brett Vance
T: 215-275-3142
F: 215-335-5693

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