
Monday, May 21, 2012

I Spell Success, M-A-Y-F-A-I-R M-A-Y F-A-I-R

One more post about the Mayfair May Fair 2012, I swear!

It could not have been more of a beautiful day or more of a success in my book. The Ave was teeming with families having a great time and enjoying all of the different events that many of the fine businesses and neighborhood organizations of Mayfair worked so hard on.

I had a great time kicking off the day at the Mayfair Fallen Heroes Run. The weather was perfect for running. I say this like I have experience with this. I don't. I hate running and I think people who do it are slightly crazy. There are probably only 3 situations in which I would actually run on purpose;  free kate spade bags, being chased by a murder/rapist/serial killer/zombies, and killer bees. Actually I have to be honest, it would really only be for the kate spade bags. The other two situations I would totally stumble myself into a corner like those annoying screaming dumb girls in horror movies and be killed/violated/skinned-and-worn-as-a-coat/eaten/stung to death. We had a fantastic turnout to honor fallen hero Firefighter Joseph Konrad, including many of his family members; Mayfair's own Trish Paffen rocked the National Anthem;  3rd Federal Bank helped with money collection (thanks to Lou and his lovely assistant!); Randy and his employees at Republic Bank helped us out in so many unseen ways this week with organizing all the pre-registrations AND donating the pretzels for the run; Mark Gilbert and Shop-N-Bag donated water and oranges; and Viriva CCU gave us all the goody bags in which to put all of that stuff! It's great Mayfair Business Association members, not to mention the countless CDC, Civic Association, Town Watch, and Mayfair Memorial Playground members all pitching in and working together to help out with an event like this that makes this community wonderful.

Then I was on to helping set up a table for my pet project (ha! it's a'll get it in a minute), the Northeast Dog Park. Everyone kept asking "Where is the dog park?". Well, technically right now it's a brilliant pie-in-the-sky idea looking for a permanent physical home but we had a lot of interest and sold some yummy home-made doggie treats at our bake sale. Our Doggie Pageant was a great success and we had a great turnout of Mayfair and Northeast dog owners willing to see if we can find a place to call our own in the Great Northeast! Many thanks to Suzann St. Marie, Executive Director of the Mayfair CDC and Milt Martelack, Jr. President of Mayfair Town Watch who served as our judges and picked a phenomenal set of dogs as the winners in 5 different categories. I'll see if i can post some pictures at some point! Additional thanks to both MBA members Prudential Prime Real Estate for allowing us to set up in front of their store and Stan's Health Foods for bringing down a bunch of dog friendly resources for us to hand out and to Megan Whalen and Mike Ennis my co-coordinators and champions for our cause!

All of Frankford Ave was buzzing with activity but nowhere more so than the Mayfair Town Watch Dunk Tank. It may have had something to do with the fact that it was set up right near the stage where all the bands were playing their hearts out for the people of Mayfair (Kudos to Donny Smith for coordinating all of the great live music for the Mayfair May Fair. It truly was the heart and soul of the day.) It could have also been the fact that all of the employees of the 15th police district were lined up to make sure that Captain Frank Bachmayer of the 15th was dunked at least 100 times. Props also to Representative Kevin Boyle and Councilman Bobby Henon for being good sports and not worrying about a little bit of water messing up their perfect politician hair (Seriously, is that part of the vetting process before you run for office? Credentials? Check. Good speaker? Check. Money? Check. Good hair? NO? Back to the drawing board!). DA Seth Williams also put in an appearance to check out the fun. Unfortunately, we couldn't convince him to get in the dunk tank but there's always next year!

 Then onto the Grey Lodge Pub for Mayfair After Dark at around 6pm; good food, Mayfair Car Show, Art Show and of course the all important BEER(S). I browsed the Mayfair Car Show and pretended to know stuff about cars and talked to Mike Williams, car show coordinator and VP of the Civic Association.  I was pretty much tapped out at that point but I stuck around long enough to hear Huge Jackman, Queen Helene, and finally Sexy Sadie Band sing a couple tunes AND more importantly, I bought this
It's a snail! An awesome snail!! I love it!

at the Art Show (fabulously coordinated by Mike Ennis), came home, cuddled with my kids (who I hadn't seen in 2 days because they were down the shore--lucky!) and crawled into bed. After that heartwarming reunion scene with my hubby and adorable children, I awoke Sunday morning to a text from Mayfair Business Association Award Winner for "Mayfair Business of the Year", Lisa Greco of BellaLisa Studios, telling me that my leaving before 9:30pm was "Busch league". The me from not even 10 years ago would have agreed with her and probably called me a skank. However, I will have my revenge in the form of next week's Mayfair Merchant Profile where I will make up random facts and lies about Lisa's origin story, how she got into the beauty business and find the most hilariously horrific pictures to illustrate said story. It's on Lisa. It's ON!!

Here's a small article with a slideshow of some pictures of the Mayfair May Fair. I'm sure we'll have more coming in every day so make sure you are on the lookout for them! I would  love to see them and post them here so if you would like, make sure you send them into me and I will make sure to post them to the blog.

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