
Monday, May 6, 2013

This Week In Mayfair (05/06/2013)

I'm finding it really hard to draw any form of inspiration today because I'm EXHAUSTED! Busy weekend with one of the kid's birthdays and then the Mayfair Farmers Market. I also ran the 10 mile Broad Street Run...bwhahahahaha! That's a total lie. I don't run and probably never will. While I'm a big fan of carb loading,  if you ever actually SEE me running you should probably start too because chances are something deadly is following me. However, if they ever give out medals for buying gourmet cupcakes and baked goods, stuffing my face with them while drinking coffee sitting around at a farmers market you can consider me the frigging champion of the WORLD!!

Winner, winner. Cupcakes for dinner.
Well, if you ARE into running you should make sure to sign up for Mayfair's own Fallen Heroes Run taking place on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 8:30am. This year's run is in it's 5th year and honors Officer Chuck Cassidy who was killed in the line of duty. You can register online here: Mayfair Fallen Heroes Run.

Runners and non-runners alike will love all the events at the Grey Lodge Pub this week. Tuesday is Taco Tuesday and Wednesday is Quizzo. Then on Thursday, the beer event "Anchor--The San Francisco Treat" will be held from 6-9pm. On tap will be: Steam, Libery American Pale Ale, Porter, Humming, Bock, Zymaster Milk Stout, Summer and 2012 Our Special Ale. There will be glassware and prizes!!

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