Simple Steps to Save a Life
Host: Sean King & Mike Ruane
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009
Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm
Location: John M Perzel Community Center
Street: 2990 St. Vincent St.
City/Town: Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 2153317120
DescriptionFrom: Sean King & Mike Ruane
We are working with The American Red Cross and sponsoring a blood
drive on Sunday, August 23, 2009 from 09:00 AM - 02:30 PM at the John
M Perzel Community Center.
We decided to hold this blood drive by following the example of our
favorite cousin. Joanne is holding a blood drive on the same weekend
in Satellite Beach, Florida, in memory of her husband Raj. Raj
benefited from many transfusions of blood products while fighting with
leukemia. Without willing blood donors those transfusions would not
have been possible. I think we all probably know someone who has
received the life saving benefit of a blood donation.
We hope you will consider donating blood at our blood drive.
If you donate your blood you will save a life.
Maintaining an optimal blood supply is crucial. When the blood supply
level is below the optimal level (and it usually is in the summer
time) accident victims, cancer patients, premature babies, and many
other kinds of patients who need blood every day may be at risk.
Will you donate your blood to save a life?
Every 2 seconds someone in the USA needs blood. In any given year only
1 in 20 of the donor eligible USA population gives their blood.
Donated blood is the only source of blood. There is no substitute for
real human blood. If this Red Cross data holds true, we might need to
solicit as many as 800 eligible donors to realize our goal of just 40
blood donations. We won't be able to reach out to 800 people unless
you share this info with others.
Can you donate your blood to save a life?
Are you 17 years old or older? (or 16 years old with parental consent)
Do you weigh 110 pounds or more?
Are you generally in good health?
If you answered “Yes” to these three questions, then you can probably
donate blood – most people can! If you are not sure check here or let us know and we will help
you find out.
When you choose to participate you will be agreeing to spend about an
hour of your time in the donor center. You will go through a private
and confidential registration, brief health history, and vital signs.
The actual blood donation takes less than 10 minutes. After donation
you will be able to relax for 15 minutes and enjoy some snacks and
cold beverages with our other generous blood donors.
We're sure you'll see lots family and friends while you're there.
Our goal is to collect 40 units of blood. If we are going to exceed
this goal the Red Cross needs to be prepared to accommodate all of our
donors. By pre-registering we will know how many people to expect at
our blood drive and the Red Cross will be ready for you.
Go here to make your appointment:
The above link will take you to our registration page at The American
Red Cross.
You will log in with your email and birth date.
Note - our Sponsor Code is 14357 you should see it in a box on the
registration page, or you can enter it.
Once logged in you can click on August 23 for the Perzel Center and
choose your appointment time. Your email will be used by the American
Red Cross only to confirm your appointment and again to remind you of
your appointment. If you do not wish to use your email, there is an
option to create a user ID. Also, we can schedule you if you let us
know to do that.
Location info;
Air Conditioned? Absolutely !!!
John M Perzel Community Center
2990 St Vincent Street
Phi ladelphia PA 19149
(215) 331-7120