Did you get all your Black Friday shopping done? Did you leave your shoe prints on the backs of the unlucky shoppers in front of you in a mad scramble to get $20 off that new flat screen TV? Did you booger hook that old lady in an attempt to swipe the last Xbox from the shelf? I'm sure she deserved it, the old hag. She'll be dead soon so what does she need a new Xbox for? Pffffttt...high five bro!!

Admittedly, I've never been a Black Friday shopping disciple but I know some people SWEAR by it. I just can't see getting up that early and standing in line for hours to save myself $10 off a toaster. My minutes are far more precious to me than that. My idea of "Black Friday" is watching the insides of my eyelids for as much time as possible the day after I've consumed more calories in a 24 hour time period than I probably should have. And seriously, don't even talk to me if you're one of those "year round shoppers" who had their Christmas shopping done in October. When I rule the world I will reserve a special place for you. I won't tell you where exactly but it't probably somewhere in the Middle East or Sub-Saharan Africa. I mean does NO ONE in your family change their minds about what they want or you just say "You know what? Aunt Lucille's getting this clearance bikini for Christmas...I don't CARE what she SAYS! She can suck it."?
So for those of you who are slackers like me and don't have all your Christmas shopping done already, you'll have a chance to get a jump on it this Sunday 12/2/12 from 1pm to 4pm at the intersection of Frankford and Cottman at the Mayfair Christmas Village/Craft Fair! This is kind of an offshoot of the Farmers Market/Fall Festivals we had in September and October with several of the vendors returning.
Wild Flour Bakery-award winning breads and baked goodies.
Desiree's Desserts-yummy seasonal sweet treats!
Volta Organics-organic soaps and bath and body products make great stocking stuffers.
Cardinal Hollow Winery-more delicious blueberry wine anyone?
BellaLisa Hair Studios--Lisa D will be bringing more of her festive handmade jewelry. Note to self--must get earrings!
Grey Lodge Pub-holiday themed beers and growler fill-ups.
Great Awakenings Coffee-hot drinks to warm you up while you shop!
Philly Dog Biscuit Company-the doggies need Christmas presents too! Woof!
Headquarters--new art from Adam and Bill (congrats on the new baby girl, to Bill and his wife! Hope you won't be too sleep deprived!)
Steel Your Idea-artisan Frank Mifflin is bringing you his specialty handcrafted wine racks.
Tacony Gear-those awesome neighborhood themed t-shirts for everyone in the fam!
Tastefully Simple brought to you by Nikki--great gifts and probably not lasting til Christmas. Beer Bread and Toasted Sesame Terayaki Sauce? Sold!
Lannette Wismer Jewelry--a little sparkle just in time for holiday parties!

Judy Smith's handmade origami star ornaments--Trust me. I have several of these. They will knock your socks off.
Thirty-One Bags courtesy of Melinda Mulvenna--Do you have anything from Thirty-One yet? NO? Have you been living under a rock? Get some!! They're awesome!!
Fandomware by Rynn Ailes--Rynn makes tons of stuff for the Harry Potter, Dr. Who and Pokemon fan in your life. Find the perfect gift for them here!
Anita Briggs--beautiful crochet goods; hats, scarves, blankets and pillowcases. Tons of care and craftsmanship!
Head to Bow by Danielle and Deana Gayda--the cutest hair accessories for your little Christmas princess and all year round! Stock up!
Kate McCaffrey--handmade pillowcases and blankets for those cold winter nights!!
SoyLiscious Candles from Christine--You know you burned through all the ones you had when your power went out during Hurricane Sandy? Time to restock!
Colleen Beounitis--even more homemade candy and cakes for your pre-Christmas consumption! Yum!
Rose Melchiorre--gorgeous hand crocheted items!
Jim Ortlieb--not only does he head the Mayfair Clean-up Committee but he takes great photos around the country and sells them!Those empty spots on your relatives walls need filling!
Michelle Buchanan Jewelry--can you EVER have enough jewelry? The answer is no.
Ginny's Candles--can you EVER have enough homemade soy candles? Again,
the answer is no. They are one of the most perfect gifts! Everyone likes
Renee Cohen Crafts--simply, beautiful handmade crafts!
Pretty Cool Crochet by Toniah--more awesome crochet! Wait til you see some of her adorable hats and headbands!! My wallet is already screaming for mercy!
Mayfair Dog Park--Adorable bandanas for your doggies!!
Mayfair Civic Association--Information and T-shirts!
So there you have it kids. Goodies galore and a good ole' fashioned Christmas village right at your doorstep. Please note that most of our crafters, if not all of them, are local Mayfair/Tacony/Holmesburg residents or have a close neighborhood connection! We'll also be having several of the local neighborhood organizations passing out information and applications to join. Holmesburg Civic Assoication, Tacony Town Watch and the Pennypack
Creek Bridge, and Councilman Bobby Henon will be there with information, t-shirts and calendars.

Starting at 3:30pm Santa Claus and the Missus will be there to meet and greet your little ones. At the kick-off of the Christmas Tree Lighting at 4pm there will be free hot chocolate and cookies for all and musical entertainment by Tricia and Glenn Paffen and Nick Giannetti. Topping off the whole festive day will be the lighting of the official Mayfair Christmas Tree by Mayfair Civic Association president Joe DeFelice, Tacony Civic Association president Mary Benussi, and Holmesburg Civic Association president, Rich Frizell.
Also, please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy for our Toys For Tots collection sponsored by Anne Marie Muldoon, MBA member and owner of Avenue Chiropractic. We'll also be collecting gently used children's books and children's DVD's for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia at the event. It's a great time for Mayfair to give back to those less fortunate and a way to make some room for all the new goodies you just bought!