Community E-CYCLE Event !!!!
April 21, 9 AM until Noon
Lincoln High School parking lot off of Ryan Avenue
Please bring us all of your electronics whether they work or not, broken or intact.
This is a great opportunity to remove e-waste from your homes.
This is a fund raising event, and though free to the public, donations are encouraged. We do suggest a $5 donation for each TV, CRT monitor, fax machine, scanner or other large item. (Tax receipts available upon request)
We accept the following items*.
Blow dryers
Cell phone chargers
Cell phones
Circuit boards
Computer equipment
Coffee machines
Copiers and printers
Electronic tools
Hand held devices
IPOD’s, CD Players
Modem’s/ routers
Power/extension cords
Power supply units
Small appliances
Stereos/record players
Telephone systems
Vacuum cleaners VCR’s
And more…
Basically, anything electric or battery powered
*We do not accept large appliances such as washers, dryers, or refrigerators, light bulbs, smoke detectors, dehumidifiers, AC units or anything with a refrigerant, gas powered or with harmful chemicals.
All items will be properly recycled by a local company. Not only does this help the environment - they won’t end up in our landfills - it will help maintain jobs in the Northeast and 100% of the donations collected will go towards Friends of Pennypack Park (FOPP) to help maintain and revitalize the park.
If you are a business - you would typically pay to have this equipment removed. We will do it for a small donation.
This event will be held rain or shine. This event will coincide with FOPP’s monthly recycling. You can also bring in aluminum cans, books (no encyclopedias or text books) clothing (clean and dry) and printer cartridges. After January 2013, state law will not allow any electronic waste to be pick-up at the curbside and placed in landfills. ***Pick-ups are not available *** Once containers are filled we will stop collecting materials *** No early birds or drop offs after 12:00 PM *** We reserve the right to not accept any item because of its size, weight, quantity or safety to our volunteers
For questions contact us at foppmembers@yahoo.com or call 215-934-PARK (7275) Partners in this program are MPC (Materials Processing Corp) and Lincoln High School
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