Therefore Wednesday is Pi(e) Day at The Grey Lodge.
What's Pi(e) day you ask? Could it possibly be as awesome as you are currently imagining? Covered in whipped cream and maybe a huge scoop of melting vanilla ice cream? OMG....PIE!!! Yup. Those creative culinary connoisseurs at the Grey Lodge have poured all of their love into a buttery, flaky crust and baked it up especially for you and served into a 3 course pie dinner. I mean honestly, is there anything better than pie? DON'T say cake, comrade. Cake has Bastille Day (at least in Philly). No one ever lost their pretty Austrian head over pie. Also, at 7:30pm at the Grey Lodge after you have sufficiently gorged yourself silly on pie dinner you can then show how ridiculously intelligent you actually are. (Please. Your mother won't shut up about it and her friends roll their eyes behind her back because of that ONE TIME you got your hand stuck in the tailpipe of the car.) Time to redeem the woman who gave you life and win the prize for reciting Pi to the most places correctly. You can Google it and start memorizing, Einstein. And while you're at it stick around for Quizzo at 8pm to continue you cerebral domination over the entire human race.
Yards Brewing will be there too bringing with them Yards Entire Porter, Bourbon Love Stout, Chocolate Love Stout (just had one over this past weekend--YUM!), Yards Brawler gravity pour firkin (I think I'm going to name my next dog Firkin), and Yards ESA.
In my complete excitement about Pi(e) day I neglected Tuesday at the Grey Lodge. The Lucky 13 Home Brew Club is meeting at 7:30pm. I'm sure you can bug Scoats about getting a preview of the pies they'll be serving up. If not, you can sample some home brews by members. Speaking of, you have to be a member to sample. You can't just randomly show up and start throwing back samples. I tried and am currently banished. Brew Club Bullies.
Of course, St. Patrick's Day is Saturday which means The Grey Lodge is closed because everyone will be in church praying all day and no one will be partaking in that evil spirit liquor...HAHAHHAAHA! That was about as long as I could do that with a straight face. OF COURSE The Grey Lodge is open on St. Patrick's Day. Look elsewhere for green beer but there will be plenty of Irish whiskey (even hard to find ones), Irish beer and Irish food specials (which is basically soda bread floating in whiskey served in a hollowed out potato--what? It's a national dish!!)
The always fabulous Antoniette and the Torresdale Flower Shop are hosting a jelly bean contest. Stop into the store and guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. The winner, announced on April 7th, gets a $50 gift card to use in the store. My guess is 789. If you guess that I'm not above cutting you. Also, Torresdale Flower Shop has a great selection of Asher's Easter Chocolates so while you're there guessing pick some up, you know, "for the kids".
Mike Perzel at The Perzel Agency sent me the most fabulous commercial that he funded with his very own money that he's actually getting his own personal post highlighting it. So stay tuned to for Mike's commercial and his specials for this week coming soon!
Did you see Acme Window Shade & Blind Company now has online ordering? NO??? Well, check it out here and be amazed at their beautiful work now available from the comfort of your own computer chair (in my case, my ugly couch). If you've been cooped up all winter staring at your horrific old window treatments it is now time to spring clean those suckers into the trash and get new ones. I'm going to tell my husband the kids set mine on fire or some ridiculously elaborate lie to explain why mine are gone and I have new ones courtesy of Acme. Shhhh...don't tell!
And finally, Viriva CCU, our Merchant Profile from last week will also be getting their own post about their going green with their e-services--it involves entering to win an Apple IPad 2--that's all I'm saying for now, you'll just have to stay tuned! All these fabulous businesses with great news to share get their own posts! Keep them coming guys!!
Just a friendly community reminder that the next Mayfair Civic Association meeting will be held Monday, 3/19/12, 7:00pm at the Mayfair Community Center. Be there and be heard. We need people to step up and be involved! Almost a full 2 day recovery from St. Paddy's Day...no excuses.
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