So of course this weekend I decided to wear cutie sandals and flip-flops give my feet a break from boots and heavy shoes. Guys, let me clue you in...as soon as the warm weather starts there is only one thing on your lady's mind---PEDIS!! Alright, maybe they aren't as superficial as me and think of more than that (babies, puppies, and the horrible humanitarian crisis in Syria--Deep. She's a keeper). But I swear, as soon as the thermometer hit's 65 on a regular basis, I'm on the phone to my friend Denise making a pedicure appointment so we can relax, read trashy gossip magazines, and get made fun of to our faces while not understanding a word of what the nail salon girls are saying. Where's Frank Costanza when you need him?? Ah never mind, I'll just call Lisa and the girls at BellaLisa Hair Studios for some pampering instead. Lisa would never allow this:

Since I've determined I'm going to go full-throttle girlie-girl this week, I might as well stop in to see Antoniette at Torresdale Flowers to pick myself up a lovely bouquet that I can carry around like the reigning Ms. America. (Duh, of COURSE I have a tiara. How dare you ask me that, peasant!) Plus they are hosting a jelly bean contest. Get to the store and guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. The winner, announced on April 7th, gets a $50 gift card to use in the store. And they have Asher's Easter Chocolates. Everyone knows girls love chocolate. Done!
After last week's craziness at the Grey Lodge, Scoats and clan are taking it easy this week (read: still recovering from the Irish Flu). Quizzo is the only thing on the calendar on Wednesday at 8pm. No need to drink this week since you did enough of that this weekend and oh, pretty much all of last week. Use the $25 bar tab prize to order some food, you lushy mess.
Mike Perzel is back from vacation (what is this with EVERYONE going on vaca without me?) and is base-tanned and ready to give you a quote on your personal insurance (Auto, Home, Renters, Life) at the Perzel Agency. Make sure you get that $5.00 Wawa Gift Card and be entered to win 2 PHILLIES TICKETS; great seats Section 131, Row 5 (game to be determined). No Purchase Neccessary must be 18 years or older. Just make sure you mention the glorious and fabulous MBA! All MBA members also qualify for a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card for getting a quote on your Business Insurance.
Speaking of spring and green, Viriva CCU is still giving away an iPad 2 so make sure you spring (ha! a pun! how gauche.) on over there and get yourself entered. For all the details click here.
For a real taste of spring, mark your calendars for this Saturday, March 24th from noon-2pm. The Friends of Mayfair Memorial Playground are holding their 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the playground in front of Lincoln High School. For $2.00, kids ages 0-8 can get goodie bags, buy treats at the bake sale (featuring Stock's Loaf Cakes for sale--YUM!), take pictures with the Easter Bunny and dance with the DJ! Such a great family and community event--don't miss it!!!
Also, don't forget, that the Mayfair Civic Association is holding it's monthly meeting Monday, March 19th at 7:00pm. Lots of information will be given out about everything that's happening in the neighborhood from the local candidates running for office, a methadone clinic update, zoning, and the Mayfair Dog Park. I hear the Recording Secretary is pretty cool. Apparently she looks a lot like me too...I really should introduce myself. Hopefully it's not one of those situations where you meet your twin resulting in a rip in the fabric of the space time continuum. (Back in your hole nerd, I'm a beauty queen this week!! My wrist is really starting to hurt from all this royal waving).
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